Published 5 months ago in All AI Soundtrack


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AI Generated




2 oh 2 four point five, on the Information Super Highway, double you dee eye oh...

This classic hit from yesterday is blowing up the charts

actually it only has one like so far, I see


double you dee eye oh...


But that's okay...

World's a kaleidoscope (spinning out of sight)
(Newsfeed overload) blurring wrong from right
Politicians preachin' (pundits point and shout)
(While the truth gets lost) in the echo and the doubt


Information highway, paved with pixels and bytes

Lost in the algorithm, drowning in the lights

Chasing likes and follows, validation's fleeting prize

But somewhere deep inside,





Where's the common ground (in this land of confusion)
(Where's the guiding light) in this maze of illusion
Yearning for connection (a hand to hold so tight)
Can we break the chains (and step into the light)

Filter bubbles forming (opinions set in stone)
(Empathy eroding) leaving us alone
Distance turns to anger (division takes its hold)
(Can we build a bridge)

before (before)

the bridges (bridges)


==== ===

Technology's blessing (a double-edged sword)
(Connecting the world) yet leaving us unheard
Lost in the echo chamber (voices amplified)
(But true understanding) seems constantly denied

Maybe it's a whisper (maybe it's a shout)
(Maybe it's the silence) when the filters go out
Let's tear down the walls (brick by brick)

Rebuild with compassion (compassion)


bridges (bridges)


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[Bridge] [Chorus]

The world is full of empty promises tonight

They lie on television no one seems to mind

The want to break us cuz we just began to fight

They can’t break all of us if we all unite

Big corporations putting poison in the sand

So many television programs on demand

The rocket red glare of the dying early light

They never break us all… …. …..


=== ====


The world is full of empty promises tonight

They lie on television no one seems to mind

The want to break us cuz we just began to fight

They can’t break all of us if we all unite

Big corporations putting poison in the sand

So many television programs on demand

The rocket red glare of the dying early light

They’ll never break us all… …. …..



Technology’s Blessing, Technology’s Curse

Connecting the world but making it worse

Information Highway Slowing to a crawl

Follows and Likes that mean nothing at all

Can we break the cycle, can we go outside

can we make a shout too loud to deny

and everybody try (everybody try to rebuild)

to rebuild

the bridges

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