Published 5 months ago in All AI Soundtrack

Symphony of Despair

  • 4
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AI Generated



(Verse 1)
In the city's choking grip,
Where shadows dance in toxic haze,
A symphony of man's recklessness,
A concrete jungle we must erase.

Like an endless stream of poison seeping,
Pollution's tide engulfs each breath,
A cancerous wound that festers deep,
Unleashing horrors we dare not unleash.

Oh, the dirge of pollution,
A symphony of despair,
Each poisoned chord an accusation,
A haunting tune beyond compare.

(Verse 2)
Like a suffocating veil, it strangles,
Our precious air, a stolen right,
In smoggy shroud, the city tangles,
A prison of our own foul flight.

Our rivers weep with toxic flow,
A toxic brew, a ghastly sight,
While seas lament, their depths aglow,
With plastic waste, a sorry plight.

(Verse 3)
The land, once lush, now barren lies,
A desolate wasteland, torn apart,
Deforestation's jagged cries,
A testament to our ruthless heart.

Like an endless stream of poison seeping,
Pollution's tide engulfs each breath,
A cancerous wound that festers deep,
Unleashing horrors we dare not unleash.

Oh, the dirge of pollution,
A symphony of despair,
Each poisoned chord an accusation,
A haunting tune beyond compare.

We must awaken from this nightmare's hold,
To heal this Earth we've left in pain,
For in its silence, stories are told,
Of a polluted grave, an eternal stain.

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