Published 5 months ago in All AI Soundtrack

Hail the Grave Robber. (Extended Edition)

  • 14
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AI Generated



I see a day sure coming.

A day when skies are torn asunder.
A day we lay down this cup of tar.

A day we crown a mighty grave robber.
The Son arises, our bright morning star.
I see a day sure coming.
I go astride through deaths own valley.
My fears are quenched by what I’ve seen.

Should my tomb collect on fair bounty
I saw flesh and bone. Dead men walking.
Hail! Hail! Our mighty grave robber.
All hale! his beautiful name.
Hail! Hail! Our elder brother.
All hail! It’s coronation Day!
My hope stands beyond passing fancy.
The champion of life nigh necromancy.
The angel of light’s neglected seat
lays owed to me by
blood fee.
I’ll drink deep fresh mountain wine.
Mine eyes fixed true on end of time.

Split from death bed dancing, jubilee well tried.
To leave eternity wanting, I shan’t stand accused of such crime.

Yay, I could endure a million sufferings, or be taken from family to strive.

I could die, leave loved ones starving, if it would bring His throne due pride.

All would be worth it truly, for maker and mender of earth and Sky.
I see a day sure coming!

Hail! Hail! Our mighty grave robber!
All hale! his beautiful name.
Hail! Hail! Our elder brother.
All hail!

It’s coronation Day.

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