Published 5 months ago in All AI Soundtrack

Tales by the Pond

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AI Generated



In the early morning's hush, Bridget sets the pace,
With a babe cradled right, and milk jug in her embrace.
She passes by the gate where stories come alive,
Narrating past summers where memories thrive.
"Last summer here," her gentle voice caresses the tale,
"A girl so small, with joy she would regale.
With parents close, this nook they brightly filled,
Their mirth like sunlight, the farm's air stilled."
Beneath the oaks, they'd dance, near the pond's gentle sway,
Father's bright eyes gleaming, in the summer's soft array.
Ducks glide on water, chickens near them play,
And the turkey, in its folly, would gambol and bray.
With a spade, her father shaped a stream to pond,
Crafting a haven for the ducks to fondly bond.
From sadness to joy, their spirits freely cast,
In bread crumb waves, echoing laughter of the past.
Morning's light would sparkle, bread soared in arcs high,
Pigs from the pen watching, beneath the wide sky.
Such simple pleasures, their days gently wrapped,
In warmth and care, their joyful hearts mapped.
Beneath the oaks, they'd dance, near the pond's gentle sway,
Father's bright eyes gleaming, in the summer's soft array.
Ducks glide on water, chickens near them play,
And the turkey, in its folly, would gambol and bray.
Yet time shifts, the pond now gone, to a ditch reclaimed,
Memories persist, love's imprint firmly framed.
Scenes transform, yet their love remains embraced,
In every heart touched, indelibly traced.
Now Bridget recounts, each step laden with tales,
Of summers spent where joy prevails.
Through her narrative's thread, past and present fuse,
Echoing love’s legacy, which time cannot defuse.
Hark, little one, to the tales of yore,
Where love melds with laughter, forever to explore.
Let these stories guide you, as through life you sway,
In hearts forever held, where they'll eternally stay.
Beneath the oaks, they'd dance, near the pond's gentle sway,
Father's bright eyes gleaming, in the summer's soft array.
Ducks glide on water, chickens near them play,
And the turkey, in its folly, would gambol and bray.

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