Published 7 months ago in All AI Soundtrack

Whispers and Dares ext v2.1.2

  • 9
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
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AI Generated



I'm in my chair, you're over there. This could be love I swear. Hand in my hair, you start to stare. I'm thinking of playing truth or dare
But the silence breaks, it's your turn to share
The words you speak cut the air, it's bare
'Was it just a game?', my heart in despair
This could be love, but you're unaware
Now I'm alone, you're just a ghost
In the room where love mattered the most
I strum this guitar, you fade to black
You were never mine, can't have you back
So I let you go, like leaves in the fall
This could've been love, but you wouldn't call

/ :

