Published 5 months ago in All AI Soundtrack

Don Juan (I Take A Girl)

  • 4
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AI Generated



Shit, man, every time I see him he's with another one. What are we up to now, 5? 6? God only knows why they don't stick around. The real "Don Juan" over here... a griefer!
I take a girl to Gelato,
I take a girl tonight.
I take a girl to watch Dune Part 2,
I do it out of spite.
I take a girl, to eat a feast, and 'tempt to make a score.
I take a girl, and I take a girl, and then I take two more.
I take a girl who is boring,
I take a girl who's nice.
I take a girl to fancy steakhouse
To taste the food I like.

I take a girl, I feed the geese,
And dump that stupid whore.
I take a girl, give her a whirl,
What more could I ask for?

I take a girl, and I take a girl, and I take a girl!


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