Published 5 months ago in All AI Soundtrack

Soul's Flight Chronicles ext v1.

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AI Generated



胸に秘めた光が照らす (the hidden light in our hearts will shine)
迷わず行ける (we can go without hesitation)
君といるから (because I'm with you)
信じ合える強さに (with the strength of our belief)
可能性は無限大 (possibilities are limitless)
飛び越えろ、今を (leap over the present)
蒼い風になり (become the blue wind)
希望の道を描く (draw the path of hope)
君となら、どこまでも (with you, I can go anywhere)
ひたすら、前へ (steadfast, forward)
届け、この想い (reach, these feelings)
全てが光になる (everything turns into light)
光追いかけて (chase the light)
[Guitar Solo]
[Chorus: All]
夢の中で? Hey
I only feel my soul's flight
未来を照らす星を目指して (aiming for the stars that illuminate the future)
一緒に探し続ける冒険 (continuing the adventure, searching together)
心のページを開いて (opening the pages of our hearts)
君と描いた夢追いかけ (chasing the dreams we sketched with you)
信じるその目に (in those believing eyes)
映る全てを抱きしめて (embrace everything reflected)
熱くなる胸の鼓動 (the heartbeat in our chest grows hot)
決断の時、立ち向かうとき (the time has come to decide, to confront)
一緒に、架け橋を渡る (together, we cross the bridge)
輝く明日へ進む (advancing towards a shining tomorrow)
絆で繋がれた心 (hearts connected by bonds)
向かい風さえも仲間 (even the headwind is a friend)
遥か彼方、叫ぶ夢を見た (I saw a dream screaming in the distance)
絆育てて、力に変えて (nurturing our bonds, turning them into strength)
未来を突き進め (forge ahead into the future)
星座のように繋がる信念 (convictions linked like constellations)
道標になる、心の合図 (becoming the signpost, a signal from the heart)
飛び越えてく、時の障壁 (overcoming the barriers of time)

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