Published 5 months ago in All AI Soundtrack, in album: VI - AI_Music

Concrete Churn

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Male vocalist, Rock, Alternative rock, Indie rock, Blues rock, Psychedelia, Garage rock revival, Psychedelic rock, Psychedelic, Australian rock, Thrash, Funky



[female narration]
It is said that, if you travel far enough in the wilds,
long past the safety of the village walls,
you may find prehistoric men, preserved in their feral state
Their calls wrought with hunger
[Australian accent]
Cave dwellers!
Sharpened teeth!

Cave dwellers, a-lookin for a feast!

Cave dwellers, better beware!
Cave dwellers, never stare!

Cave dwellers!
They seized my wife!

Cave dwellers!
They ate every last bite!

Cave dwellers!
They took my dog!

Cave dwellers!
It's time to get 'em all!
Cave dwellers!

Annihilate the beasts!

Cave dwellers!

Open fire, hear their feral minds shriek!

[guitar solo]
[drum solo]
Cave dwellers!
Driven from the land!
Cave dwellers!
Never seen again!

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