Published 5 months ago in All AI Soundtrack

Bohemian Rhapsody in Blue

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Prompt: Bohemian Rhapsody in Blue



I sailed the seas in shades of blue
(Seen the skies in hues, seen the skies in hues
Seen the skies in hues, seen the skies in hues)
Across the globe, across the blue
I found my heart in rhythm's tune
(Heard the notes in blue, heard the notes in blue
I've chased the stars in twilight's hue
(Felt the night's embrace, felt the night's embrace
Felt the night's embrace, felt the night's embrace)
Beneath the moon, beneath the true
My soul would dance in light's soft croon
(Sang the songs in blue, sang the songs in blue

I walked the streets in morning dew
(Whispered dreams anew, whispered dreams anew
Whispered dreams anew, whispered dreams anew)
Step by step, in time we grew
My eyes alight with sights to pursue
(Lived the life in blue, lived the life in blue)
And every chord struck whispers clues
(Melodies so true, melodies so true
Melodies so true, melodies so true)
In every line, a symphony's muse
Each word a painting, each thought I choose
(Dreamt in shades of blue, dreamt in shades of blue)

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