Published 5 months ago in All AI Soundtrack

Ten Years of Love & Laundry

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AI Generated



Through the cries and whispers, you're my heart
We might fuss, over little things unsaid
But in this dance, it's love that we have bred
In every struggle, with evergreen vows, we vowed
Chris, it's you, in the crowd I'd still find,
Ten years in, with a love so kind
We grew strong, defied the odds, though
Shared our dreams and faced our fears
Ten years in, with laundry spin fights
Still, my love's as fresh as that first night
How we laugh, underneath the chaos, life's mad
Even when you pack the washer so bad
We juggle love, with every tantrum throw
Your hand in mine, as we watch our girls grow
Ten years deep, through bedtime book delights
Still, we dance in the kitchen, soft twilight
In this life, threaded with our daughters' cheer
Your embrace, still the tune I love to hear

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