Published 5 months ago in All AI Soundtrack

Whispers of the Wind ext v2.

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AI Generated



Where the fields have turned against us
And the earth is cracked and dry
The silos stand so empty
Beneath a sullen sky
It feels like silence took you
In the whispers of the wind
When the well has all but failed us
And hope's light fades and dies
Beneath the stars I lay you
With tears that match the rye
This land we've loved has claimed you
In the quiet of goodbye
In the hollow of the heartland
Where the prairie grasses sigh
The fences lean, forgotten now
'Neath a vast and solemn sky
A farmer's prayer is a lonely sound
That echoes through the corn
With worn out hands, he touches earth
That once was rich and gave them birth
Now lays barren as he grieves
A choir of crows, nature's thieves
He plants a rose beside your name
In soil that won't be just the same
The house that echoes silence
With ghosts in every room
Now stands as stark reminder
Of a season's bitter doom
And in the fields where laughter grew
Just shadows slowly creep
Our love's a seed, unable to sprout
Against a drought, that leaves no doubt
The harvest moon has come too soon
With empty cradle, sorrow's tune
He walks alone where children played
Now just whispers through the spade

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