Published 5 months ago in All AI Soundtrack

City of Whispers part one

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AI Generated



Ah, welcome, dear listeners, to the radio waves
Where the whimsical whispers roam and play
As your humble host, I'll be guiding tonight
Through stories untold, 'neath the flickering light
Oh, lean in, lean in, if you dare begin our show
But with care, my friends, where cautionary tales grow
A-ah, do tread lightly, dear listeners, for the tale I unfold
Is a tapestry of terror, not for the faint or the bold
It's, um, oh it's chilling, how shadows do dance
On the, the walls where the dim light does prance
Then there's, uh, the silence, a silence that screams
I assure you, your ears can scarcely believe
Eyewitness accounts, from the scene do imply
With each shuddering breath, the night did reply
The, uh, glint of a blade, a blade soaked in red
Beside, ah, cigarette buds, where whispers are said
Lipstick-stained evidence, lining the street
Could the stories, the stories be more than deceit?
Ah, back with us, dear listeners, to tales wrapped in mist
Where the fog hugs the streets, a spectral tryst
Oh, ponder the riddles that night air conceals
Ah, the knock, knock, knocking, of high heels reveals
It's, um, quite puzzling, where whispers commence
In the hush, oh the hush, behind past tense
Well, folks, you see, police are baffled at best
Blotter's full of riddles that put minds to the test
Ahem, rumors slither in from every closed door
About the lady in question, oh, what horrors in store
Her whispers become thunder, a voice that won't cease
In this city of whispers, there's no sign of peace
Aha, we approach now a scent so sweet
Hovering over from the dimly lit street
Is it perfume? Or... or could it be fear?
Each fragrant note compels you to draw near
But, oh dear listeners, caution you must keep
For the bouquet that blooms is far from sleep
Ah, um, we interrupt, uh, dear listeners, with news just at hand
A grim scene unfolds, not far from where we stand
Just in, oh indeed, a body's been found
In crimson repose, upon the cold ground
The whispers now howl, a city's fright takes its shape
As reality blurs, can there be an escape?
Dear listeners, indeed, what morbid affair
Two wounds on the neck, a sinister snare
Could it be nature, beast on the prowl?
Or human hands grim, with motives most foul?
As I recount the scene, the air grows so still
The city's dark secret, a bitter chill

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