Published 5 months ago in All AI Soundtrack

Abyssal Echoes remix v2 ext v1.

  • 8
  • 0
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AI Generated



1st verse:
I stand upon the edge, abyss so vast,
Feeling weightless, fear within me amassed.
I gaze below, no bottom to be seen,
Falling apart, into dust I careen.
Yet I fear not, I won't halt my stride,
My heart beats on, in rhythm it abides.
Boldly I'll march ahead, I won't recede,
Into the depths, where light's guaranteed.
2nd verse:
Amidst the darkness, amidst the night's shroud,
I find myself, amidst shadows unbowed.
Flying through the gloom, like a bird of flight,
I ignite the dawn, banishing the night.
And I fear not, I won't be deterred,
My heart's steady rhythm, it will be heard.
Boldly I proceed, without a frown,
Into the abyss, toward the light I'm bound.

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