Published 5 months ago in All AI Soundtrack

Eternal Embers ext v1.1.1.1

  • 18
  • 1
  • 0
  • 0
  • 1
  • 0

AI Generated



Every beat my heart is drumming
Is the rhythm of my tears, that's love
In the chaos, in the quiet
In the shadow, in the light
Every time I feel you near me
I'm a wildfire burning bright, that's love
I've heard it, I've seen, felt it, believed it, that's love. When the day is over and the smoke has cleared, you're the only thing that I'll ever hold dear, that's love. Enough with the lies, there's no need to cry, that's love.
With a thunder in my chest (in my chest)
And your name on every breath
Through the fear, through the fight
I'm holding on with all my might
In the silence, in the roar
You're the flame I can't ignore
Crashing waves upon the shore (upon the shore)
Like the drums of war, beat right through my core
But your touch, it soothes the beast
In your arms, I find my peace
Yeah, that's love, that's pure, that's sure
That's the rock, the roll, the soul deep inside
And in the darkness, you’re the spark (you're the spark)
That lights the fire in the dark (in the dark)
You're the electric, you're the sun
Beneath the skin, where two hearts run
In the breakdown, in the climb
You're the melody in my mind


I like It. It feed so good

/ :

