Published 5 months ago in All AI Soundtrack

Ethereal Weekend ext v1.

  • 12
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AI Generated



Learning the language of cyber crusades
Each keystroke a choice in this tech-savvy age
As the week dims its light on this binary quest
A pixelated journey that put us to the test
Our minds might be weary, but our souls are ablaze
With the knowledge we've harvested in so many ways
In circuits and screens, our wisdom grows
Onto the info stream, where anything goes
Questions of right in a virtual space
Seeking the truth with a tireless grace

Week's end arrives, with lessons held fast
But tonight we flow with the knowledge amassed
Escape the books, let's chase the beat
Around the clock, no time for sleep
Dive in bytes where thoughts are deep
Digital minds, the ethics we keep
[Build Up]
Sync with the pulse, the world's our class
Elevate the moment, let the weekdays pass

Lights are flashing, codes align
In the rhythm, our thoughts entwine
Heartbeats merge with bass so deep
Feel the surge as we take that leap
Let the data flow, let the spirits soar
With each bar, we unlock another door
Now's the time, hit the city's glow
Threads of light through the streets they flow
We're the seekers in the neon tide
Where wisdom's wave meets the city's stride
Screens down, the real takes stage
Feel the night, it's ours to engage

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