Published 5 months ago in All AI Soundtrack

Facade's Price ext v2.2.1.1

  • 16
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
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AI Generated



Will they know the price I've paid?
Tell me, what's left to pursue?
Glitter's gone and I'm feeling grey
Answer, oh what can I do?
[Guitar Solo]
Oh how deep is the ache
When the crowd just sees the facade you've made?
In the spotlight’s harsh embrace (harsh embrace)
I’ve lost the me, in fame’s own chase
Fame’s a game where hearts can fray
Feeling lost within the play
Oh, when the glitter fades to dust
And the applause is just a gust

Is the game worth the price we pay?
Chasing echoes of yesterday (yesterday)
Tell me, where is the love we craved?
When the stage is bare and I'm just a name
[Verse 3]
Looking back at the masquerade
Faces blend, and the memories fade

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